CF/IR Lodge 385

Welcome to Crystal Falls/Iron River Masonic Lodge #385. If you have questions, please reach out to us!


Freemasonry's mission is: "We Enhance Lives". The oldest and largest goodwill fraternity globally, Masonry teaches that each man has a duty to make life better, not just for himself, but for everyone.

On this website, you will find information about our Lodge and how Masonry helps make men better.


Have you wondered what Masonry is all about?

What is Freemasonry?

Freemasonry is the world's largest secular, fraternal and charitable organization. It teaches moral lessons and self-knowledge through participation in a progression of allegorical two-part plays.

Why are you A Secret Society?

We are not, but lodge meetings, like those of many other groups, are private and open only to members. The rules and aims of Freemasonry are available to the public. Meeting places are known and in many areas are used by the local community for activities other than Freemasonry. Members are encouraged to speak openly about Freemasonry.

What are the Secrets of Freemasonry?

The secrets in Freemasonry are the traditional modes of recognition which are not used indiscriminately, but solely as a test of membership, e.g. when visiting a Lodge where you are not known.

Aren't You a Religion or a Rival to Religion?

Emphatically not. Freemasonry requires a belief in God and its principles are common to many of the world’s great religions. Freemasonry does not try to replace religion or substitute for it. Every candidate is exhorted to practice his religion and to regard its holy book as the unerring standard of truth. Freemasonry does not instruct its members in what their religious beliefs should be, nor does it offer sacraments. Freemasonry deals in relations between men; religion deals in a man’s relationship with his God.

Growing as individuals

We are guided by a set of core values and beliefs that inform our decisions and actions, such as:


The Masonic fraternity is built on a foundation of excellence and charity.

West Iron County Booster Club

WM Scarlassara and PWM Yarger present a check to Ronjo Leonoff and Dan Hinch

Ahmed Shriners

CF/IR Lodge #385 Brothers Bob Black, Bill Smith, John Kolbas, and Carey Camarata joined as Nobles of the Ahmed Shriners.

Michigan Mason of The Year

Congratulations to PWM Danny Yarger for being selected as the Michigan Mason of the Year.

Iron County Cancer Unit

Brother John Kolbas presented a check to Linda Colombino, President of the Iron County Cancer Unit.

Get involved

Interested in becoming a Mason?

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